The wait is over!


Featuring the pieces of 120 collage artists from 30 different countries, The Mini Collage Collective is delighted to publish the 2023 Members' Lookbook!


The open call for this publication invited all Mini Collage Members to submit their best mini collage. There was no theme—and all who submitted were featured. The only guidelines were that the mini collages must be hand-made and be of the standard mini collage size of 10x10cm, or smaller.



Note: This ebook has been specially formated to be easy to download but should you have any difficulties, please reach out to me on Instagram at @mini.collage.collective and I will be happy to assist you.



MCC 2023 Members' Lookbook

Permissions: You have permission to print the Lookbook—in its entirety–for personal use only. That means you may print and bind a copy for yourself, but you may not print, bind, and sell copies to others. Nor do you have permission to distribute the digital file. 

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